NBA All Star Game in New Orleans, Kermit Ruffins, Rebirth Brass Band and more!

I was just informed that Kermit Ruffins and the Rebirth Brass Band will perform “Drop Me Off in New Orleans” from Kermit Ruffins’ Big Easy CD, and Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews will join the Rebirth Brass Band for a performance of “Do Whatcha Wanna” which Kermit co-wrote and has recorded with both Rebirth and on his own, The Barbecue Swingers Live, during the player introductions of the NBA All Star Game.

Stephanie Jordan will join Branford Marsalis for the National Anthem. I also know that Ellis Marsalis is part of the half time show in a New Orleans piano extravaganza led by Harry Connick, Jr. Irvin Mayfield and Ellis Marsalis are releasing a new CD, Love Songs, Ballads and Standards on April 1st.

The NBA All Star Game will be broadcast in over 200 countries to approximately 500 million people and in over 40 languages. Music, though, is the international language.

Thank you to Branford Marsalis and Harry Connick, Jr. for all of their great music, and for all of their help in rebuilding New Orleans.

Jon Cleary, When You Get Back, on October Road

Jon Cleary’s tune, “When You Get Back”, aired on tonight’s episode of October Road. You can find this track on the Jon Cleary and the Absolute Monster Gentlemen CD on Basin Street Records. If you missed the episode you can watch it online HERE. The song can be heard in the background of a bar scene about 30 minutes into the show.

Henry Butler PiaNOLA Live Coming April 29th

Basin Street Records is proud to announce the first live solo record by 8 time Blues Award Nominee Henry Butler, PiaNOLA Live. This CD will be released nationally on April 29th, 2008 and is the second release of 2008 scheduled by our rebuilt label.

Click on the images for a larger, clearer view.

Irvin Mayfield and Ellis Marsalis: Love Songs, Ballads and Standards

Basin Street Records is pleased to announce that we are rebuilt and ready to roll. We will demonstrate that, while we celebrate our 10 year anniversary, with the release of several new CDs in 2008. The first will be Love Songs, Ballads and Standards by Irvin Mayfield and Ellis Marsalis. This new CD hits the streets on April 1st, 2008. No joke.
The onesheet for this new CD can be viewed by clicking on the image to the left. You can view a larger image of the CD by clicking on the CD. Samples of the songs can be heard at

The King Can Do No Wrong

My friend, the Honorable Stanwood Duval, made what I know was a tough decision to dismiss the Army Corps of Engineers from most of the levee breach lawsuits. He did this because our government is allowed to dictate when it can and can’t be sued. In 1928 Congress made it impossible to sue the Army Corps of Engineers for flood related projects.

Please write your representatives in Congress and let them know that these laws are inappropriate. Government shouldn’t be immune to lawsuit when they are negligent with their responsibilities. In the case of New Orleans, government negligence caused the death of over 1400 people and the destuctions of over 100,000 homes and businesses.

Read all about this decision HERE.
