Grammy Voter? Thanks For Your Consideration

The 55th Annual Grammy Awards will be held February 10, 2013. The first round ballots have been mailed. The final nominees will be announced at the Grammy Nominations Concert on December 5, 2012. Thanks for considering THERESA ANDERSSON‘s pop CD, Street Parade and DR.MICHAEL WHITE‘s Adventures in New Orleans Jazz, Part 2. [catalog-product id=”1057″] [catalog-product id=”1085″]

Watch TREME on HBO Sundays

Watch Treme on HBO. Season 3 just started. Tune up now w/ 11 free songs from many of the shows favorite artists by signing up for our Enews on the front page of our website. We send a newsletter out about once a month and we don’t share your address.

Donating 100% Of Love Letter Revenue to Love Sessions Causes

Now thru 8/29/12 100% of Irvin Mayfield’s A Love Letter to New Orleans book/cd dollars will be donated to #LoveSessions causes. If you’d like to designate the cause to direct your dollars to, just email after you place your order or indicate it in the Address 2 field of your order.

After 7 wonderful nights of battles with Kermit Ruffins at Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Playhouse, Love Sessions has moved to Irvin Mayfield’s I Club with 5 nights of performances through 8/29/12 with Dee Dee Bridgewater.  Last night Germaine Bazzle was honored with a lifetime achievement award by the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra.

Love Sessions recipients in 2012 include: New Orleans Public LibraryUNITY of Greater New OrleansThe New Orleans Haitian Relief Task Force, Son of a Saint Sports Foundation, Dag’s House, The New Orleans Chapter of the Links, Inc.The New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic, Teaching Responsible Earth Education (T.R.E.E.), NO/AIDS Task Force, The New Orleans Jazz Institute, St. Augustine High School Marching 100The Roots of Music, DashThirtyDash, and the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra.

Love Sessions: 12 Nights of Giving

Love Sessions: 12 Nights of Giving begins August 18th through the 24th at Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Playhouse in the Royal Sonesta Hotel with Kermit Ruffins & Irvin Mayfield, then continues August 25th through the 29th at Irvin Mayfield’s I Club w/ Dee Dee Bridgewater and Irvin Mayfield.  Get your tickets now and support your favorite causes.

Tickets for the I Club shows >

Tickets for the Jazz Playhouse shows >

For VIP tickets email Chrissy Miller ( at the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra.