Advanced Label Economics

I’ve taught this many times (at Loyola University, University of New Orleans, Ben Franklin High School, SXSW, Cutting Edge Music Business Conference, and more), but decided that tonight I would put it down on “paper”.

Our “typical” CD Production Costs:
$15,000.00 Musician Fees (does not include our artist)
$10,000.00 Studio/Engineering/Mastering
$ 4,000.00 Producer
$ 1,500.00 Photography
$ 1,000.00 Graphic Design
$ 500.00 Liner Notes

Profit Advance to Artist
$ $$,$$$.00 In addition, we pay a profit advance to the artist on our label. If a project makes a profit we split the profits with the artist, but the artist keeps the profit advance regardless.

PR and Advertising Costs
$ 7,500.00 Press, TV, & Web Publicist
$ 3,000.00 Radio Publicist
$10,000.00 Advertising (print, web, radio)
$ 7,000.00 Buying shelf space at retailers (both brick and mortar & online)
$ 6,000.00 Mailing promotional copies of CDs to press, tv, web and radio

So, before we sell the first CD we “typically” have committed to spend $65,500.00, plus we have advanced the artist profit that we may or may not make.

Here is the breakdown of a $15.98 CD at retail:
$15.98 Consumer pays store
$10.30 Store pays distributor (Store covers its overhead with about $5.68/ CD margin)
$ 8.00 Distributor pays us (Distributor covers its overhead with about $2.30/ CD margin)

Of the $8.00 per CD that we receive we spend approximately:
$1.25 for manufacturing
$1.00 for mechanical licenses (payments to songwriters & publishers)
$0.30 shipping

That leaves us with approximately $5.45 per CD of what is called gross margin. We generally receive this money 90-120 days after the CD is sold.

That means that our break even is $65,500 in costs divided by $5.45 per CD gross margin = 12,018 CDs.

That’s where you come in.